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发表于 2010-8-5 20:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






据BBC国际台赞助的一项民意调查显示,国际社会对中国的印象在2008年有转为负面化倾向,法国、德国、西班牙、意大利和英国、日本、菲律宾、土耳其以及埃及对中国的看法都有大幅恶化趋势。 而在09年的这项调查之中,中国的形象有所回升,但是在其它27个受调查的国家之中,12个国家对中国有正面印象,12个国家对中国感觉负面,另外3个国家正负双方基本持平。所以也并不高。










    在北京奥运会结束后不久,一家美国媒体搞了个调查,在纽约华尔街上随机采访一些路人,请他们说出3个著名中国人的名字,无论古今。受访者中,有近 1/3的人一个也说不出来;另有1/3的人勉强答出了“毛泽东”;只有1/3的人能说出3个人名,且其中多数已不在世。



















结语:子曰: 夫如是,故远人不服,则修文德以来之,既来之,则安之。所以,提升国家形象,还是要从自己身上找原因,要修文化、立道德,才有可能建立一个具体生动、丰富活泼的国民形象。
发表于 2010-8-5 21:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-8-5 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
National Day of this year before a new national image in the international mainstream media promo will face the world viewers, 30-second film will be Yao Ming, etc. more than 50 Chinese celebrities for interpreting the image.
In fact, publicity image of the country also known as "national market", from the superpowers to the small country, in various ways in shaping their country's external image, although not the same purpose, some countries focus on attracting tourists, some on their own political aspects of the image or influence.

  So China's national image should be focused on what the publicity, so that a flagship brand of videos celebrities whether it be sufficient to undertake this important task?
China's national image abroad misunderstanding, we need the publicity

           From a historical perspective, China's national image is "empty"
  The so-called national image, in fact, an American scholar put forward a very academic word, popular to say that it is a two-way thing, is a country that is what he himself, and in accordance with this direction to shape the image of the other regard, it is the people of other countries that what this country is, the two combined is the image of the country.
  For a long time, China's foreign publicity will emphasize a long history, profound, mysterious and ancient. This will give foreigners cause China's "conundrum" impression. Mystery means will be marginalized. For example, in the minds of many American citizens, talking about China is the dumplings and kung fu, said the Chinese people the impression that the industrious and brave, China's image is an empty concept, and this concept has not and backward relaxation.

         From now on, China's national image have a negative tendency
According to BBC international platform to an opinion poll sponsored by the international community the impression that China has turned negative in 2008, the tendency, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, Japan, Philippines, Turkey and Egypt are the views of China a substantial deterioration. In this investigation in 2009, China's image rebounded, but in the other 27 surveyed countries, 12 countries have a positive impression of China, 12 countries, the negative feeling in China, another three State the positive and negative sides flat. So it is not high.
In 2008, the Chicago Global Affairs Commission (www.ccfr.org) in a global scale and the strength of the Asian National Soft opinion poll found, nearly 10 years, either from Xiangdui's still an absolute point of view, China image in the minds of the American people are in decline.

          Negative of reasons: political, cultural, not a positive image of the field
  Central Party School, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and Zhao Lei, deputy director of the International Relations Research In last 2 ~ 3 months and 1 April this year to Canada, Britain, Belgium and other countries about China's image in international research. In his view, in 2008, China hosted the Olympic Games, was "unparalleled" in the praise, but in the BBC survey, China's national image has deteriorated, and which, largely milk containing melamine products to the Chinese drop the points. The reason is simple, food safety is closely related with each person. Shows how important is the people's livelihood, not just national issues related to the country's "prestige projects."
  And if the political, economic and cultural fields to analyze China's economic development for all to see. In politics, the international mainstream media reports on China can be said there every day, but the positive is very less. China's political reality and the mainstream of American public values such as democracy, freedom, equality still far. From the cultural point of view, too, most foreigners know only the giant panda, kung fu and so on. But unlike Hollywood, they made off with a lot of easy people.
Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that China's national image, of course need to promote, but the current form of the API whether the country can achieve results?

          Promo image of two countries, not in ideas on the theme

             The API Topic: Interpretation of famous "Chinese" new face
   According to the project's chief planner who Zhuyou Guang, during the filming of the national image videos, divided into 30 seconds of "Personages" and 15 minutes of "perspective papers." In the "Personages" creative structure is about 50 people from the Chinese science and technology, sports, financial, thinkers, business and other areas of celebrities, according to mere lists of Images appear, to interpret the image of the motherland. Celebrities appear, including Li Ka-shing, Wang, Robin Li, Ma, Ding Lei, Lang Ping, Deng, Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, Ding, Chen Luyu, Ma Yanli, etc., designed to "Chinese" concept to build China's image. In other words, is the crew are invited to this 50 celebrities, representatives of "Chinese people" image.

            But the 50 celebrities in the world most do not have the visibility
    Shortly after the Beijing Olympics, a U.S. media out of a survey, random interview on Wall Street in New York, some of passers-by, asking them to tell three well-known Chinese names, both ancient and modern. Respondents, nearly 1 / 3 of people who could not utter a; another 1 / 3 of people who reluctantly come floor of the "Mao"; only 1 / 3 of people who can speak three personal names, and most of them have been not alive.

Shows that although 50 people in China are known, but Yao Ming and a few other people in addition to suits, such as Chen Luyu, Ma Yanli, who is also very difficult to say how much enjoyed international fame. Joint of the well-known media people also pointed out that the 50 individuals living in the moment, some people still very young, they are still unknown after the rest of my life, it is difficult to ensure the negative things in their possession does not occur, which would also allow countries Image interpretation is a discrepancy.... [More]is true, for example, Tang Jun, who is the idol for many young people, but education was the door left him many admirers have felt dejected. As the representative of the country's image, the choice of people should be careful of course.

            Last year's commercials: feeling more like a "foundry in China," the ad
  In fact, last year, China already had a national image of the videos in the CNN broadcast. Film called "China" promo "Made in China, the world's cooperation" as the theme, by the Ministry of Commerce to promote the four trade associations making direct investments. The commercials emphasize the Chinese enterprises to produce high quality of products, is ongoing dialogue with Haiwai the Gongsijiajiang cooperation, Danshihaoxiang and Chu Mei You express the essence of things, if we Zhishi foreign brands Zhexiesheji software, Nametamen own will as their own brand responsible for the quality, so will China's production of their branded products is strictly controlled. The film did not see a well-known national brand, but rather IPOD and a French model, feels more like a "foundry in China," the ad. So this ad is full of controversy, with little success.

            What kind of videos may be popular in foreign countries

              Grass-roots perspective touched people more than elitism
  Late last year, the U.S. "Time" magazine put "Chinese workers" as Person of the Year on the grounds that the successful implementation of China's economy, "Paul 8" pull the world economy, first of all thanks to the tenacity of ordinary Chinese workers, thousands of hard-working. In the "Time" magazine's view, China's most qualified to speak for the workers in China today. Shows that grass-roots perspective is often of concern to foreign media and audience perspective.
Similarly, in the People's Network has done a "Who do you think the national image of the indispensable API" survey, more than 60% of people chose obscure ordinary Chinese people. Why not play the national image of the grass-roots promo cards do. The elite is certainly true, but even more true should be a general population of 1.3 billion Chinese.

             Expression and communication channels should be more diversified
  In fact, many countries are promoting the national image advertising, but all means and channels are quite diverse, not just limited to CNN and the BBC. For example, Russia had to pay for the "Washington Post" published a 12-page advertising supplement to promote the Russian view of the beautiful, the people's happiness; on one hand of the Russian national pride and to express the friendly Americans feelings. Russia has also designed a special advertising picture above is a Russian bear hug with the U.S. star Marilyn Monroe, to the humorous way Americans love the country's image advertising. Japan and other countries, then there will be many countries with tourism as a main image of commercials, even when he was Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi personally into battle. When the World Cup in South Africa, South Africa to promote its national image, was chosen to match with the national image advertising, the Internet and interactive users, the effect is very good.

              Successful experience tells us that the most important thing is the internal

                    Raise awareness within the international community is very important
  Zhao Lei came back to write the text with emotion, deeply felt the complexity of the image of China as well as the urgency of enhancing China's image. There are two main problems: first, the Chinese view of themselves and the world's perception of China is a huge gap between. In many cases, the Chinese believe they are doing the right thing, but the international community is that China is doing bad things. For example, in Africa, we helped some countries to build large-scale hydropower project, has been a local and international environmental organizations strongly opposed. Secondly, the international community is still relatively unknown in China, which led to a misunderstanding of China, or even fear. Some Western countries to China are always defined as a strange, wonderful world, use their imagination to define China.
So not only is the National Image of China to change the views of other countries, but also promote Chinese people view the world, such as the same thing, we think is a good thing, but may do so many foreign Minzhongbingbu Ren Ke, So to understand how they think is important, so as to achieve the so-called values of the output.

                Germany's success: an inclusive culture + patience + output + = a good objective and true image of the country
  BBC survey at the national image of Germany has been reelected for two consecutive years champion, while in the U.S. "Time" magazine poll, held in Germany is ranked second after Japan.
Good national image of a country than a lot of people agree that the country is willing to come to life, and in fact is the case in Germany. When this year's World Cup, energetic Germany took third place one stroke, most impressive thing is supporting "immigration teams" in the squad of 23 players, 11 of which did not of German origin. This is because the immigrants from primary to university in Germany to enjoy all the free education and many other benefits, can be fully inclusive, and obtain the identity of identity.
In fact, after World War II, Germany's national image has plummeted, the German people are very patient and improve its image, Germany has committed to a comprehensive and objective presentation of Germany, do not evade the issue, in order to enhance credibility, avoid "publicity" color, a long-term, for people in the world, to expand in Germany in the international political and economic influence. They do not avoid the World War II on the national and the crimes committed by people of the world, which is recognized in Germany was the world's people, and respect for reason. Of course, the Germans also attach importance to the national image advertising, but they more through cultural, organizational, "German Culture", the arts, film and television, book publishing, theater, music, sports, heritage, religion and other fields outside activities, to strengthen cooperation in civil and cultural institutions and cultural propaganda, this is the German efforts. We are familiar with the Goethe Institute, is one good example.
So Germany's experience tells us that a country's image building is a long process, and should be based on comprehensive and objective, to avoid "color publicity." The good practice within a country, and national image also improved.

Conclusion:The Master said: husband so, so far not agree, then the repair since the Wende, they come, his last. Therefore, to enhance national image, or from to find the reasons, to repair cultural, legislative and moral, be possible to establish a specific and vivid, rich and lively national image.

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发表于 2010-8-5 21:57 | 显示全部楼层

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