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发表于 2009-11-13 10:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Young’s Experiment:
Put two pinholes (about the size of a period) one diameter apart in an opaque piece of paper. Hold it very close to your eye and look through them at a distant streetlamp at night. The characteristic parallel fringe pattern will appear on your retina. Rotate the card and the fringe pattern will rotate with it——that’s a good way to check that you’re not hallucinating. Use a razor to cut two slits very close together in a 3×5 index card, or better yet, paint a microscope slide black and scratch two parallel lines through the paint. Put either pair(held vertically) close to your eye and look through them at an ordinary vertical straight-filament display bulb; you’ll see a wonderful fringe pattern.
在一张不透明的纸板上打上两个相距它自身一个直径的小孔(大约一个英文句号的大小)。将小孔非常近地靠近你的眼睛,并在晚上通过他们观察远处的路灯。特征性的平行条纹将会出现在你的视网膜上。旋转纸板,条纹将随之转动——这是一个确定你看见的不是幻觉的很好的方法。用一把剃刀在一张3 × 5大小的索引卡上划出两道非常接近的缝隙,或者更好的,将一片载玻片涂黑并在上面划出两条平行线。将其中的任意一对(互相垂直放置)靠近你的眼睛并通过它们来观察一个普通的立式直灯丝灯泡,你会看到一幅美妙的条纹图案。

Diffraction & Seeing You Eye from the Inside
Anyone who has ever walked at night in the rain wearing eyeglasses has probably seen the effect of diffraction. Just put a drop of water on a glass plate, hold it near your eye, and look through it at a distant streetlight,and you’ll see a complex system of bright and dark diffraction fringes. Similarly , the amoeba-like floaters that can be seen within your own eye when you squint at a bright broad source are diffraction patterns of drifting cellular debris cast on your retina. Close on eye and the squint as tight as you can at a light bulb (or the sky, or a computer screen close up) until you see the shadow of your lashes. Relax your focus and you’ll see floaters. The circular dark boundaries on the right and left are the outlines of your own pupil. Cover that eye with a hand, wait a few seconds for your pupil to dilate, and then pull your hand away——what happens to the outline?

Discussion Questions

1. Put a few drops of liquid soap in a cup with a little water and shake it around, making a great froth of bubbles. After several seconds, the bubbles will begin to show bright rainbow color patterns. Why must you wait before the colors appear?

2.Take a very close look at a worn surface under direct sunlight. A fingernail, an old coin, or the roof of an old car will all show a very fine granular pattern of tiny colored dots. This phenomenon is the so-called speckle effect. What might be its cause? Notice how it seems to move as you slowly move your head parallel to the surface.

3.Fog up a piece of glass with your breath and look through the fogged plate in a darkened room at a white-light point source. You will see a system of concentric colored rings. Of what does this remind you, and what do you think is causing the effect?

4.Light a long-filament vertical light bulb. If you look at it from several meters away through a vertical slit cut in a 3×5 card, you will see a lovely fringe system. Explain what happening.
4.打开一盏立式长灯丝电灯。如果你在数米以外通过一条划在3 × 5索引卡上的竖直细缝观察它,你会看到一个可爱的图像系统。请解释发生的现象。

(选自Eugene Hecht 著 Physics:Calculus(second edition)英文版。本人英语水平有限,如有翻译错误,请指正,谢谢。)

发表于 2009-11-18 19:45 | 显示全部楼层

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