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特别的中国式歧视与质量-电荷相互作用的确立 鲁重贤

发表于 2008-10-26 18:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中式岐视与电荷-质量相互作用的验证                by C. Y. Lo
Special Chinese Discrimination & Confirmation of the Mass-Charge Interaction

As some observers pointed out, a problem of many Chinese is that they do not believe in the work done by a Chinese. This strange kind of discrimination seems to be also unique among all the nations in the world.
A famous victim is mathematician Professor S. T. Yau because almost no Chinese, except his students, stands out for the fact that Chu, Cao and Yau complete the proof of the Poincare conjecture [1]. A less known case is that physicist Professor Zhou Pei-Yuan being the first to point out Einstein's covariance principle invalid was not recognized in China. Unfortunately, Nobel Laureate, Professor C. N. Yang, who take Chinese salary for many years, also refused to help clarifying this situation.
This seemed to happen again in the confirmation of the mass-charge interaction. Many refused to believe the experimental work of Mr. Liu W. Q. on his experiments of weighting capacitor before and after charged. This is an important experiment that would confirm the newly discovered mass-charge repulsive force since a charged capacitor becomes lighter. However, for no valid reason, many do not believed his work until they learned that Nasa observed anomaly from the orbits of the space-probes pioneer 10 and 11 [2]. I pointed out that this anomaly is due to the mass-charge repulsive force. This is so because this anomaly is necessarily due to a repulsive force from the Sun because the two pioneer leave the solar system in opposite directions, and a pioneer has a large charge reservation for sending signals.
This is important because it would confirm the r -3 dependence of this force (r being the distance between the point mass and the charge of another point like particle. However, this should be expected if one have confidence on general relativity. The reason will be explained in the subsequent paragraphs.
The characteristic of this new force has three features [3]: 1) it is a repulsive force 2) it depends on r -3. 3) this force is not subjected electromagnetic screening. The first two features are based on general relativity, but the last feature is based on the existence of a five dimensional space. However, while there are plenty supports for general relativity, there was no physical evidence for the existence of a five dimensional space, Therefore the weighting capacitors before and after charged is crucial since it is a test for the existence of a five dimensional space,
Thus, after the capacitor weighting experiment confirms that a charged capacitor becomes lighter, I believe that the verification of my theory is essentially completed. This is so because I have confidence on general relativity. Thus, one of my main contributions is really the recognition that the force is not subjected to electromagnetic screening from my investigation of the five-dimensional theory about 30 years ago. It follows that the experiment of capacitor weighting of Mr. Liu is crucial for the confirmation of this new force.
The contribution of Nasa's observation of pioneer anomaly, of course, further confirms the existence the repulsive force However, a major contribution is really just making others having confidence on the experiments of Liu. I hope and pray that Mr. Liu is the last victim for this kind of discrimination.

1.        “朱曹首先达到峰顶”,”众口一词’完整证明’的潜台词”,Newsletter of Lingnan University Alumni Association (January-April, 2007), p. 129.
2.        Robert Lee Hotz, “Newton, Einstein Lost in Space—Scientist May be Getting Warmer in Finding Why Pioneer Probes Veered off Course,” Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2008, PA7.
3.        The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism, Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects, and the Five Dimensional Theory, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 26D (1), 29 - 42 (2007a).
特别的中国式歧视与质量-电荷相互作用的确立                        鲁重贤

           一位著名的受害者便是数学家丘成桐教授,因为,除了他的学生们外,几乎少有别的中国人站出来支持,事实上朱、曹、和丘完成了庞加莱猜想的证明[ 1 ] 。另一个较不知名的例子是,中国不承认物理学教授周培源首先指出,爱因斯坦的协变原理无效[ 2, 3 ]。更不幸的是,诺贝尔奖得主,杨振宁教授也拒绝帮助澄清这一情况,虽然他已在中国领取工资多年了。
           似乎这种岐视又再次发生在电荷-质量的相互作用的确立上。许多人拒绝相信刘武青先生的实验工作,特别是电容充电之前和之后的量称。这是一个能确立新发现的质量-电荷间的排斥力的重要实验,因为带电电容器变得更轻了。然而,虽然没有任何站得住脚的理由,许多人却不相信他的工作。直到他们了解到,美国宇航局公布了观察到太空探测器先驱10号和11号的轨道异常,违反了牛顿的及爱因斯坦的引力理论[ 4 ] 。我指出,这一反常现象是由于电荷-质量排斥力所致。其之所以如此,是因为这种异常现象必然是由源于太阳的质量-电荷排斥力所致。因为这两个先驱在相反的方向离开太阳系,并贮有大量的电源来发送讯号。
           这一点很重要,因为这将会确认这种力量对r –3的依赖(r是点质量和另一点电荷之间的距离)。然而,如果对广义[wiki]相对论[/wiki]有信心的话,这应该是预期的。这将在随后的段落解释。
           这种新的力量有三个特点[ 5 ] : 1 )它是一个排斥力2 )它取决于r -3 。 3 )这种力量不受电磁屏蔽。前两个特点是根据广义相对论,但最后特点的基础是五维空间的存在。然而,尽管广义相对论有多种支持,过去却没有支持五维空间存在确实的物理证据。因此,充电前,后电容器的称量是至关重要,因为它是一个测试五维空间的存在的实验。
1.        “朱曹首先达到峰顶”,”众口一词’完整证明’的潜台词”,Newsletter of Lingnan University Alumni Association (January-April, 2007), p. 129.
2.        C. Y. Lo, The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
3.        C. Y. Lo, The Deflection of Light to Second Order and Invalidity of the “Principle of Covariance”, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 27D (1), 1-15 (2008).
4.        Robert Lee Hotz, “Newton, Einstein Lost in Space—Scientist May be Getting Warmer in Finding Why Pioneer Probes Veered off Course,” Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2008, PA7.
5.        The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism, Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects, and the Five Dimensional Theory, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 26D (1), 29 - 42 (2007a).
发表于 2008-10-31 00:39 | 显示全部楼层


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