我们并不反对西方人民,但是我们反对偏见。 This website is established to expose the lies and distortions in the western media. The site is maintained by volunteers, who are not associated with any government officials.
We are not against the western media, but against the lies and fabricated stories in the media.
We are not against the western people, but against the prejudice from the western society.
VIDEO : 2008 Tibet (Lhasa) Riot, the Truth and Lies- Part 1
VIDEO:2008 Tibet (Lhasa) Riot, the Truth and Lies- Part 2
VIDEO:2008 Tibet (Lhasa) Riot, the Truth and Lies- Part 3
VIDEO:2008 Tibet (Lhasa) Riot, the Truth and Lies- Part 4
Video: Tibet WAS,IS,and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China
April 6,2008 :Chinese peaceful protest and assembly in Toronto (long video )you never see on BBC
2008年4月6日:华人留学生保护北京奥运火炬 BBC上看不到的镜头
How some foreign media manipulate the evidence of Tibet
dMarch 28: 德国画报3月28日竟然使用比CNN更恶劣的截图 file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/y1phrrOYdDY5fsou-TTazQdHfMyDMvqe6VXNtq5Mv5YLSwIJsmiZZxARJqrWJXbGMufJKk1sn--5Rc.jpg
During the interview with Chinese Ambassador, CTV inserted the video clip of Nepali policemen to "demonstrate" that the Chinese Ambassador was lying. file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/y1phrrOYdDY5fuSGtCJQLnIyObvsShv5aZVp7-bf9Q0T7e3IAfJqMFYFwIiLxnY4LG6cvoqRGhVaZ8.jpg file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/y1phrrOYdDY5ftIz0SNZyIORX4zjuP7Gn4307UnKHbKAr-_4Er0e493UflNhk0_RrVBzM4F3CpCAlg.jpg
CTV "Mike Duffy"采访中国大使,竟然在大使对话过程中,又插入尼泊尔警察画面,来说明中国大使正在说谎(2:45-3:30)。
file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/y1phrrOYdDY5ftwr5BUN4_gkTr3_TWlPusS_E9eA0jprjV9IRZYJv8IgdrCZcI39TGJXNejh9JW54k.jpg [img][/img] Tibet is not a "country"!!!
file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/y1phrrOYdDY5fsYeozPsXGMA92FWlRgHive6mpcdfAhfrR45AF1aSgdgoqU8-1dvACAGzfTX-750WA.jpg Germany N-TV channel: The right side are real Chinese policemen. The left side actually happened in Nepal.
file:///F:/We%20Just%20Want%20the%20Truth!%20CNNThe%20world's%20leader%20of%20liars%20西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN_com,Anti-BBC_com,Anti-VOA_com.files/manipulacion2.jpg Unrest in... Tibet???
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[ 本帖最后由 苏颜氏 于 2008-4-17 14:44 编辑 ] |